
Level 1

In this level, children will be introduced to the water. They will learn pool safety as well as the most basic kicking and stroke techniques. The overall goal in this level is for children to be comfortable putting their faces in the water and working with an instructor in supported floats.

Level 2

In this level, children will be supported by an instructor as they learn how to float on their own. They will be introduced to proper kicking and stroke motions. The overall goal in this level is for children to become buoyant in the water, floating on both their front and back for 5-8 seconds and swimming from the instructor to the steps on their own.

Level 3

In this level, children will learn how to swim front crawl. They will roll over on their backs to breathe and master their floats. They will be taught how to jump into the pool and kick on their backs to the wall. The overall goal of this level is to help children prepare to learn strokes and be safe jumping into the deep end of the pool.

Level 4

In this level, children will learn side breathing for front crawl. They will spend the majority of their lesson in the deep end. They will also learn backstroke, treading water, and the breaststroke kick. The overall goal of this level is for children to gain confidence swimming in the deep end.

Level 5

In this level, children will be spend the entire lesson in the deep end. They will continue to master front crawl, backstroke and treading water. They will learn breaststroke, flip turns and dolphin kick. The overall goal of this level is to help children build endurance and continue learning their strokes.

Level 6

In this level, children will focus on building endurance and mastering skills. They will learn the butterfly, racing starts and the proper turns for each stroke. They will review all of the previously learned strokes and continue practicing treading water. The overall goal of this level is to increase endurance and prepare children for swim team.

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